Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Woot woot - Leibster Award

Thank you to

Unwritten Etiquette of the Governess World

for awarding me the Liebster Award. 

I was introduced to blogging by Bushgovo @ Unwritten Etiquette of the Governess World, a governess mate and like me a bush girl.  
For me my blog is an outlet to share anything; my whinges, opinions, jokes, farming and governessing experiences.  The anonymity of my blog allows me to just be ME.  No censoring or worrying about hurt feelings. I also share friends stories and whinges, always good to have an outlet to blow off steam.
Thank you for silently following and enjoying my story. 
This award is passed on from blogger to blogger. 
The rules for the Liebster Award are:
  • Choose 5 up and coming blogs to pass the award onto.
  • They must have less than 200 followers.
  • Give lots of thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to their sites.
  • Post the award on your blog.
  • List the bloggers you are giving the award to with links to their sites. 
I decide to choose different ones from my friend at Unwritten Etiquette of the Governess World so my 5 blogs that I have selected to pass this award onto are:
Bushbelles came across my blog in her exploring asked me to write a Getting To Know You post and shared my post to her followers.  A blog for rural woman about everything and anything.  A place to connect with others.  I just love her, she has inspired me in my blogging many times. 

An outback wife telling her tale of life while her driller is at work.  I most definitely want her garden and yummy food.
I came Krissy's story through Bushgovo at Governess Australia  and Unwritten Etiquette of the Governess World.  Although new to the blogging world she certainly is active through other social medias which I follow her story on.  Krissy is an active, inspiring woman.   

An outback mum with an amazing talent.  If you love food and gardening you will love reading this adventure of life on the farm.   

AnK Bowtique
Some Outback Mum's with talent.  Not only do you get to read about the products they sell you also get an insight to life on a outback property.  
